Hook Lighthouse

Hook Lighthouse was built in the early 13th century to help ships safely navigate the treacherous Wexford coastline.

The structure was commissioned by William Marshal, Lord of Leinster, to stand on the tip of the Hook Peninsula where legend says the monks of St. Dubhán had kept a fire burning.

The Winding Mural Staircase
Hook Lighthouse is an impressive feat of medieval engineering, standing four storeys high with walls up to four meters thick in parts. A spiral staircase, known as a mural staircase, was built within the walls and reaches up to the top of the lighthouse.

The Greatest Knight
For 40 years William Marshal was a landless knight. When he died, he was the Earl of Pembroke, Lord of Leinster and the regent of the whole of England. He had served under four English kings as well as the ‘Young King’ Henry who died before inheriting the throne.

Marshal became Lord of Leinster following his marriage to Isabel de Clare, daughter of Strongbow and Aoife. He came to Ireland several times before his death in 1219 and founded towns and ports all over Leinster. In Wexford, he was responsible for the construction of Hook Lighthouse, Tintern Abbey and the great port town of New Ross.