
Sliabh Rua is the location for the Eigse Sliabh Rua. This traditional festival is based in Slieverue village each November and includes talks on local and national history, traditional music and children’s historical tour, poetry readings and tours to historical locations.

Slieverue or Red Mountain is a charming rural village strategically located in an area known in ancient times as Comar Tri nUisce (Meeting of the Three Waters of the rivers Nore, Barrow and Suir) at the south east tip of County Kilkenny. It hosts a shop and community facilities. Slieverue is the birthplace of the famous Irish scholar John O’Donovan (1809-1861) who translated the ancient text ‘Annals of the Four Masters’ the chronicle of Irish history from prehistory to 1616 AD originally compiled by the Irish Franciscans into English. In the early 17th century, the Irish Franciscans began to assemble the documentary evidence of Ireland’s history including the reigns, deaths and genealogies, of the high-kings of Ireland, the provincial kings, chiefs, lest their history would be forgotten forever. The John O’Donovan centre located in Slieverue is a dediation to this famous scholar.