Ros Tapestry Exhibition Centre

The stories depicted in these tapestries starts in Celtic Ireland looking at Celtic rituals, Woman Warriors and Brehon Law, to early Christian Ireland illustrating the collision of the pagan and Christian worlds, the Vikings of Wexford and the ousting of Diarmait MacMurchada from his Kingdom of Leinster and sailing to France in search of King Henry II. Which leads us our main theme the Norman arrival in Ireland in May 1169. Discover and learn about the Greatest Knights that ever lived William Marshal who married Isabel de Clare heiress of Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke and granddaughter of Diarmait MacMurchada. Together William and Isabel transformed the wilderness on the banks of the deep river Barrow creating the town of New Ross, which became one of the most successful and wealthy ports in Ireland with over 400 ships berthed at any one time. Discover the Castles, Fortresses and lighthouse built by them, all beautifully painted in thread.

Come and see what can only be described as a monumental work that highlights history culture and craft, and the skill of all those involved The Ros Tapestry is a true community initiative created in County Wexford and Kilkenny. Conceived in 1998 it has been created by over a hundred and fifty embroiderers and millions of stitches. Acknowledged by all who see it as a true National Treasure this voluntary work is a labour of love, who could believe that the humble “Needle and Thread” could bring so much together for the enjoyment of all from teens to great grandparents.

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An illustrated map of the New Ross to Waterford Greenway.

Getting here couldn’t be easier. Access points at New Ross & Waterford.